I get many questions about the Sacred symbol I wear around my neck.
It is a Star Tetrahedron, or MerKaBa, the Sacred Geometry symbol for all of Divine creation and the shape of the Light Body energy field that surrounds each of us.
The star tetrahedron (also known as the merkaba vehicle of light) – represent the innermost law of the physical and Spiritual world: the inseparable relationship between the two complementary halves – the positive and negative, the manifest and the unmanifest – which form a perfect equilibrium. In creation they rule as two opposite laws: the law of spirit and the law of matter, opposite and yet perfect unity, One!
I treasure it as a constant reminder of the Divine Creative Spirit and the Light of Life.
For more information: http://www.ascensionnow.co.uk/star-tetrahedron-merkaba.html
Gratefully Appreciating the light that is You!
“Where there is no love, put Love……… And you will find Love.”
St. John of the Cross
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